Tuesday, July 06, 2010

"We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it."

I hope everyone had a very safe and happy holiday weekend! Ours was VERY hot but also a whole lot of fun. We were able to meet my college roommate and her husband up north and spend a very relaxing holiday with them. We were also able to see my grandma, parents, sister and Bug and spend time enjoying my sister's new house!
So now that I've been on summer vacation for a couple weeks, it's time to get productive.

Here are my goals for the next week:

1. Plan out Bug's birthday project and order remaining supplies (including photos)
2. Tour and photograph THE house
3. Sort, shred and file important papers drawer
4. Try out at least 2 new recipes
5. Blog EVERY day
6. Upload, order and post/share photos from the weekend
7. Start Bug's birthday project
8. Secure dates for Vegas and begin looking at tickets
9. Catch up on email, blogs and facebook
10. Catch up and post 30 Day Challenge photos

I'd better get started!

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