Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday (176)

Hello October! 
Hello fabulous bloggy friends! 
(I've missed you!)
I know it has been quite a while since I've checked in. 
The combination of back to school craziness and the fact that it's fall, often leads to a bit of radio silence around this little old blog of mine this time of year. 

Today I'm doing something I've been meaning to do for quite a while. After browsing/stalking (whatever...)  Julia's blog for quite a while, I'm finally jumping in and linking up for What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.

So, what's on my workdesk? workdesk is actually a cute little nook in the corner of my basement. It's a grand design of jetmax cubes and Ikea bookshelves. Well organized, pretty to look at.....and facing the wall.  What? 
(Remind me to show you sometime, it really is cute!)
So...facing the wall (although a cute wall, complete with refurbished window to post my inspiration piecies on) is not really ideal for me. I love my little space, but I feel like I need to be part of the action. Next to the hubby and the kitties, facing the TV. 
(Is that bad? Don't we all need a little background noise?)
Hence the borrowed the middle of the room....piled with the latest and greatest in scrappy products....smack dab in the middle of my family room.
(Not really guest friendly...but it makes me happy.)

 Please notice the first season of Fringe and the Diet Vernors off to the left hand side.  Front and center is my journal from Janel's newest class Sparkle with Love.
 Just to the right of the journal is my Amy Tangerine Daybook that holds my daily lessons from September and Shimelle's Learn Something New Everyday Class.
 I spy with my little eye...some new studio calico and Amy Tangerine goodness!
 I'll post photos of my journal from Janel's class real soon. 
Pinky swear.
Thanks for stopping by to see what's on my workdesk!
Have a beautiful week!


Darnell said...

With a banner of giggles and grins (love that!), I'm not surprised you want to be surrounded by all the family action and that's as it should be! Fun post!

Have a wonderful week! Darnell #35

Julia Dunnit said...

Well I just knew you were lurking and it's about time we saw you!! welcome to WOYWW, great to see you. I'm totally on side with little space is a bit like a big cupboard off the room where everyone else sits and watches even if I have my back to them, there's no door, and I can hear, so I don't feel like I'm missing out on their company. Important for the guilt factor, huh!! Am quite late to discovering Amy Tangerine and you are the first person I've seen really using one of her journal kits. Lovely.

Twiglet said...

I am a bit late visiting this week. You look as if you will be busy with all the bits and bobs on your desk. x Jo

Jossie Posie said...

your desk looks fab! I looove all your goodies! Jossie from IG

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