Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Photography Scavenger Hunt Link Up Party

About a month ago I found this Photo Scavenger Hunt Challenge on the blog of the lovely Rinda. I thought it would be the perfect excuse to get off the beaten path and explore during our road trips. 
Honestly, Rex and I have had a blast looking for the Scavenger Hunt items. Who knew one could get so excited about a train!
Here are the items we've found so far:

1. A pier
This is just one of the many piers we've found in our quest to spend the summer camping and visiting new lighthouses. This particular photo was taken as we attempted to escape scary weather (terrible rain/hail) at our campsite. 

3.  A border
This fence border was found at the world's largest weathervane.

4. A roadside stand selling something
This is our favorite roadside stand, located just down the road. We stop here a couple times a week for sweet corn, zuchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes and beautiful sunflowers.

5. A train
This was an unexpected one. While driving through a random little town (on our lighthouse tour) we found this train just waiting for a photo op. 

7. A person playing a musical instrument
One of the exciting things we've done (this summer) is reconnect with one of our favorite musicians. Tommy had a regular gig in E.L when we were in college and when Rex and I first began dating we made it a point to see Tommy every Sunday. Sunday nights were our time together. We spent it talking, singing, laughing, and just getting to know one another. It seems we owe a lot to Tommy. 
It's hard to believe that this was the first time we had seen him in 15 years!

9. A fountain
It seems like we've seen fountains everywhere this summer. This particular fountain was found during a Fine Art Fair this past weekend.

10. A horse
This one's kind of funny. I live in a village known for its horses. Yet for some reason, the only photo I have of a horse was taken four hours away during our lighthouse road trip last week.

11. A shadow
More from our lighthouse excursion.

 12. A maze, labyrinth, or trail
This trail (although rather overgrown) is from our nightly walks. We usually head through the woods to make a three mile loop, enjoying the sunset as we go.

13. A library
We've spent a lot of time at our local libraries this summer. On this particular occasion we sat down to play a few games of chess before closing time.

16. A bride
I have such a great husband! Just after climbing this lighthouse, Rex stopped for a photo op and then yelled, "Bride!" knowing it was on our list. 
Here's a closer look. 
(Can't you see the photographers trying to figure out how to get the wedding party organized
 from the distance it's going to take to get the lighthouse in the shot?)

17. A church, chapel, cathedral, mosque or temple
Random church on our way to the Lavender Festival

18.  A movie poster

Thanks to my sister and nephew I've actually seen TWO movies this summer!

Let's see...that's thirteen items down, eight more to go! 
Wish me luck! 

P.S. For more great photos, check out the Link Up Party.


Kirsti said...

The pier one looks like it would be well scary when the wind and the rain get going!!!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Welcome to the Scavenger Hunt! YOu've got a bunch of great shots. I especially like the bridal party and your DH at the library. I've added your blog to my reader so I can follow along. So glad you joined and linked up!

Nathalie said...

You are totally working that list with your great shots! I was hoping to blog 10 photos from it today but am failing miserably! Thank you for stopping by my blog ;)

Anonymous said...

So great when the rest of the family gets in on it isn't it? You've definitely are well on your way with the hunt.

Adecentliving2 said...

This looks like so much fun! Reminds me of growing up in Michigan.

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