Sunday, October 30, 2011

I Guess I've Been Avoiding You

Well, I haven't been avoiding YOU, I've been avoiding this blog.
If you've been with me for a few years you've probably noticed that it gets awfully quiet around here each September. Going back to school each fall forces me to reorganize my life and get back into a routine, therefore spending less time being as crafty and productive at home.
This fall has been a bit different. A bit quiet. A bit sad.
I have been trying to get through everyday life, teaching a new grade with lots of changes, while dealing with some personal losses.
Over the last month I have lost my dear grandmother and also a friend.
Both losses have been very hard for me.
Harder than I've let anyone know.
I feel like I've been in a fog. My memory of the last month is a blur.
That's why I've been avoiding you.
Not because I haven't had anything to share, but because I've felt so numb and so behind that I wasn't sure what to share.
Don't be surprised if I pull out the summer beach photos between now and Christmas. Don't be shocked when I show you fall photos (It is my favorite time of year after all!) and there is snow on the ground.
Just know that I've missed you and I am back.
Thank you for hanging in there with me,
and for all your kind words over the last month.
I love you.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Love your photo! :)

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